Cuckold Princess Tanya

cuckold princess

Hi! My name is Tanya but you will probably learn to know me as your Cuckold Princess. For its a lifestyle that I have learn to not just follow but have embraced with my whole heart.

Now with saying that I wish I was out there cuckolding 24/7 but if you life the lifestyle you know how difficult that can be. I have yet to find the right dynamic or person to bring in as a bull since my boyfriend already makes the perfect cuck.

No I do not expect to find that person on the phone but I am more here to just satisfy that craving when my boyfriend is away from home so hello phone sex cuck. You will can be the fill in boyfriend while mine is away at work. Nothing hotter than sharing my real life cuckold experiences with a phone cuck.

Also there is that enjoyment of learning what gets your excited as a cuckold and perhaps add it to my real life cuckold relationship. Or least mention it to my boyfriend and see what he thinks.

My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for the last 5 yrs but only really started actively pursuing a cuckold relationship the last year. We spoke of it for years but it was always that fantasy we would speak of to get us hot and bothered never actually dreamed of acting on it. You know what I mean?

Then one day it just happened. I cant say why we acted on it but we did and once you do there really is no looking back. I mean I know why I wanted to and thankfully my boyfriend embraced the idea as well. The dirty details I will save for a more intimate phone session vs just a random line in a blog. For our cuckold story does deserve its moment and I would like to hear you jerk off to the details.

Anyways. With my boyfriend being gone for days and even weeks at a time thought being a Cuckold Princess and enjoying cucking men over the phone would be fun. Rather love the idea of my boyfriend messaging me to ask how many men I cucked through the day.

If you would like to be one of the men to be cucked by myself then you can give this Cuckold Princess a call via the button below. I take calls through and cant way to explore the various cuckold fetish fantasies you have.

Talk to you very soon,

Cuckold Princess Tanya

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